Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Caving In.... O_O

I finally caved to P90X..... finally decided to start a p90x/turbo fire hybrid, mostly just subbing in fire workouts for p90x cardio, and throwing in some hiits..... IM SO FREAKED!!!!  :/ P90X is very intimidating but I know I can do it. I have been working up to be able to do this, and now, RIGHT NOW, is the time. I started on Monday May 16th. EVERYTHING BURNS!!!!.

So as always I have to put down goals :)
For now I have only this one. That I will make it past the first 30 days, the point that most women who start p90x do not pass.

Is it gonna be hard? Uh yeah!
Is it gonna kick my ass? UH YEAH & I I LOVE IT!!!!!

Crazy yes. Lazy no :P

So who's ready to see me BRING IT!?!?!! CUZ I SURE AM!!!

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